Look, people have, throughout history, have woken up in the dead of the night, confronted by blackness. The sense that our lives are without meaning. Men's great achievements have brought him to the place where life as we know it may cease in the foreseeable future. But the blackness, it's not. Whatever despair you feel about bringing a child into this world cannot equal the despair of taking a child from it.
Al sistema no le gustan los héroes. 说实话 Miguel抽的烟不比Tommy Shelby少从地方到中央不好走啊(E03 miguel支棱起来了“aquí el que mando soy yo!” E04 月亮战损! E05 pablo梦幻联动这么一比miguel确实更斯文败类一点 看着阴 还有点怂E06 救这个定冠词听错真的笑不活了 “-Dicen que Falcón tiene conecta con el ejército. -No, dijiste ‘un’ ejército! -No, ‘El‘ ejército! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 E10 沙滩边听着歌脸上带着血的Neto有点意思局长这波背刺玩的太蠢 属实没必要